Motor Insurance
Third Party Covers
This is minimum motor insurance cover prescribed by law. It indemnifies you or any other person driving with your agreement against:
1) Death or bodily injury to any third parties, and/or Damage to property belonging to third parties. Damage to your vehicle is however not covered under this cover.
2) The minimum limit for third party property damage of GH¢6,000.

Third Party Fire & Theft Cover
This is an extension of the Third-Party Cover, and provides indemnity for loss of or damage to your vehicle occasioned by Fire or Theft. It however does not cover other accidental damage to your vehicle caused by collision, overturning

Comprehensive Cover
The comprehensive motor cover cushions you against all of the risks described above, in addition to accidental damage to your vehicle arising from:
a) Accidental collision or over-turning
b) Fire, external explosion, self-ignition or lightening
c) Theft, burglary, housebreaking
d) Malicious act
e) Flood, Storm, Hurricane, Volcanic Eruption or Earthquake

Fire and Allied Perils

Assets All Risk Policy

Business Interruption Insurance
This policy is designed to cover during the period of interruption:
- Net Profit lost in consequence of the interruption of your business
- Standing charges (such as rent, taxes and interest on loans) which continue to be payable by your business to the extent they are no longer earned by the residual trading.
- Wages of employees not gainfully employed but need to be retained during the interruption period.
- Increase in the cost of working necessarily incurred to overcome or to minimize the effects of damage upon the business such as renting of temporary premises, hiring of machinery or extra labour costs.
The material damage policy covers only the physical loss or damage to the property insured but does not cover loss of profit arising from such physical damage. As a result of the loss or damage to the physical assets, the Insured is unable to carry out its planned level of business, thus leading to a fall in gross profits.

Compulsory fire
This policy is designed to cover during the period of interruption:
- Net Profit lost in consequence of the interruption of your business
- Standing charges (such as rent, taxes and interest on loans) which continue to be payable by your business to the extent they are no longer earned by the residual trading.
- Wages of employees not gainfully employed but need to be retained during the interruption period.
- Increase in the cost of working necessarily incurred to overcome or to minimize the effects of damage upon the business such as renting of temporary premises, hiring of machinery or extra labour costs.
The material damage policy covers only the physical loss or damage to the property insured but does not cover loss of profit arising from such physical damage. As a result of the loss or damage to the physical assets, the Insured is unable to carry out its planned level of business, thus leading to a fall in gross profits.

General Accident
Money Insurance Policy
This policy covers money which is expressed to include cash, bank and currency notes, cheques, postal and money orders, against accidental Loss, Damage or destruction from any cause including fire which is not specifically excluded whilst: -
In transit, being carried by the insured or his authorized representative or sent by registered post. This is referred to as cash-in-transit on the insured premises during business hours. This is referred to as cash-in-safe policy which can be extended to cover money in a locked safe or strong room against accidental loss, damage or destruction from any cause including fire which is not specifically excluded whilst Money in this regard is expressed to include cash, bank and currency notes, cheques, postal and money orders.

Goods-In-Transit Policy
This policy indemnifies the insured for loss of or damage to goods in transit by fire, accident and theft following an accident to the carrying vehicle.

Hoteliers Policy
This is a package policy specifically designed to provide Hotels and Guest House owners all the Insurance Policies they need for their business. It covers buildings and their contents against the risks of Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Earthquake Riot and Strike, Civil Commotion, Tornado or Windstorm, Flood, Malicious Acts, Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, damages caused by aircraft or other aerial devices, subsidence, ground heave or landslip, impact by any moving object as well as Theft.
The other covers included in the package are Plate Glass, Business Interruption, Money, Public/Product liability, Personal Accident and Employers' Liability.

Fidelity Policy
The Fidelity Guarantee policy has been designed to make good and reimburse the employer's losses of money by reason of fraud or the dishonesty of their employees in connection with their employment.

Burglary Policy
Our Burglary policy covers stock - in - trade, fixtures and similar property against theft involving entry into or exit from the premises by forcible and violent means.

Cash-In-Transit Policy
Covers loss of money being transported from one place to another. The policy can be extended to cover cash in a locked safe.

Bankers Indemnity Policy (BIP)
The policy indemnifies banks for accidental losses or damage sustained within stated limits under the various insuring clauses of the policy, which includes: -
Infidelity of Employees
Premises Risk
Transit Risk
Forged Cheques
Forged Securities
Counterfeit Currencies
Damage to Offices and Contents
Professional Negligence
Loss of documents
Professional Indemnity Policy
Covers a professional against his legal liability to third parties incurred whilst engaged in his profession. For example, a patient instituting a claim against a Medical Officer who negligently prescribed a wrong drug to him. The Medical Officer may fall on his professional indemnity insurers to bail him out.

Cyber Crime Insurance
Cyber-insurance is an insurance product used to protect businesses and individual users from Internet-based risks, and more generally from risks relating to information technology infrastructure and activities.
Coverage provided by cyber-insurance policies may include first-party coverage against losses such as data destruction, extortion, theft, hacking, and denial of service attacks; liability coverage indemnifying companies for losses to others caused, for example, by errors and omissions, failure to safeguard data, or defamation; and other benefits including regular security-audit, post-incident public relations and investigative expenses, and criminal reward funds.

Engineering Policies
Contractors-All-Risk Policy
Contractors' all risks (CAR) insurance is a non-standard insurance policy that provides coverage for property damage and third-party injury or damage claims, the two primary types of risks on construction projects.
Damage to property can include improper construction of structures, the damage that happens during a renovation, and damage to temporary work erected on-site.

Erection All Risk Policy
Erection all risks insurance covers losses arising out of the erection and installation of machinery, plant and steel structures, including physical damage to the project, equipment and machinery, and liability for third-party bodily injury or property damage arising out of these operations.

Electronic Equipment Policy
This policy is specially designed to cover electronic/electrical systems like communication facilities, computers and other electronic data processing equipment against any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage by any cause (other than the exclusions specified in the policy), in a manner necessitating repair or replacement.

Travel Insurance
Our travel insurance policy offers protection for travelers when they leave the shores of Ghana. The policy provides coverage for a host of unforeseen events that may occur in the course of the trip. Here are some of the covers and benefits it provides:
- Emergency Medical Expenses
- Delayed Departure
- Loss of Passport and Checked-in Luggage among others

Life Assurance
This policy guarantees that the insurer will pay a sum of money to one or more named beneficiaries when the insured person dies in exchange for premiums paid by the policyholder during their lifetime. There are many different types of life insurance policies available, including term life insurance, permanent life insurance, whole life insurance, universal life insurance, indexed life insurance, and variable life insurance
Regal Life unit has therefore been created to extend to your staff, start of the art life assurance products that are consistently superior to create security and enhance the quality of lives of as many families as possible in Ghana.
Our staffs are at your beck and call to provide you with all the services you need.